‼️STATE CHAMPIONS‼️ Congratulations to the Lady Eagles on the win again North River!! The final score was 48-36! 🦅❤️🏀 #allthewayJA #GoEagles
about 2 months ago, Sarah Turner
State Champions
State Champions
State Champions
State Champions
State Champions
Due tomorrow- no late forms accepted
about 2 months ago, Jackson Academy
Mrs. Amy's 7th grade Science Class created edible cell models.
about 2 months ago, Jackson Academy
Don't Forget!
about 2 months ago, Jackson Academy
Brandi Van Dee with Glam Doll will be at the school Monday, February 10, to measure anyone for a tux for prom at 1:00 PM in the Library.
about 2 months ago, Sarah Turner
Tux Fitting
about 2 months ago, Jackson Academy
CANDY GRAMS - Extended thru tomorrow.
about 2 months ago, JA EAGLES
⚾️ 🥎 JA Peewee Baseball/Softball 2025 Schedules - tickets available through S2Pass. Go Eagles!
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
pee baseball
peewee softball
Please make note of the new date!!!
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
new date
All candy grams must be turned in by Monday, February 3rd . Thank you for supporting your PTO!
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
candy grams
PTO Meeting - NEW DATE! See you there.
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
Daddy/Daughter & Mother/Son Dance
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
golden gala
Jackson Academy (school and daycare) will be open Thursday for regular school hours.
2 months ago, Jackson Academy
2 months ago, Jackson Academy
Tomorrow's PTO meeting is postponed due to the weather and school closure. A new date will be forthcoming.
2 months ago, JA EAGLES
2 months ago, Jackson Academy
Come out Friday night for the Deer Calcutta. Enter a team or just come for the dinner, raffles and auction. Dinner is at 6:00 PM. Teams are $150 or $20/person without a team. Hope to see you Friday night!
3 months ago, Sarah Turner
The January PTO Meeting has been rescheduled to next Tuesday, Jan. 21st at 6:00 pm.
3 months ago, JA EAGLES
new date pto
FRIDAY NIGHT BASKETBALL GAME INCIDENT MEDIA STATEMENT Jackson Academy is working closely with law enforcement officials to ensure that all aspects of the incident are thoroughly examined and that appropriate actions are taken. Our priority is to support the investigation in any way possible and to provide all necessary information to the authorities. The safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff, as well as that of the public, are of the utmost importance to us. Counselors and pastors will be on our campus for students affected by the incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this incident. The administration and board request your prayers as we navigate through this difficult time.
3 months ago, Sarah Turner
First meeting of the new year! Join us, Tuesday at 6:00 pm.
3 months ago, JA EAGLES
PTO mtg